Campaign #iownme makes the headlines!

Imogen spoke live on television channel London Live yesterday about the launch of her current campaign and the importance of gender neutral, age neutral and sexuality neutral support.

Campaign #iownme launch preview exhibition

The long awaited launch for campaign #iownme has finally happened and what a great success it was!! The wonderful Copeland Gallery hosted 76 images of individuals standing in solidarity for the cause, many victims of abuse themselves, and the energy across the 4 rooms was phenomenal. It asked viewers to question who amongst the faces was a victim, and of course there were no answers to be found. #doilooklikeavictim

Campaign I OWN ME #doilooklikeavictim LAUNCH to be held at the Copeland Gallery on 18/04/2018!

Please join us at this preview exhibition celebrating the launch of this groundbreaking street level domestic abuse campaign! 8pm - 11pm, The Copeland Gallery, Copeland Park, 133 Copeland Rd, London SE15 3SN

"It takes no strength to beat someones body or mind, but incredible strength to survive it."


Please register your ticket via the Eventbrite to help us keep tabs on numbers or just pop down between 8-11 on the 18th of April if thats easier! Your presence counts more than your punctuality!

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The Bad Karma Impala to feature at the Lambeth Country Show 2018!

We will be exhibiting at the wonderful annual Lambeth Country Show again this year!

21 & 22nd of July 12-8pm

There are many events at the show, which is funded by Lambeth Council. These include horse riding displays, displays of birds of prey and owls, a variety of animals from the local Vauxhall City Farm, a fun fair, musical performances from quite well known bands such as Aswad, a crafts display and more. Many community groups have a presence at the show and there are a wide variety of foods and drinks available. Chief among the attractions is the novel "vegetable animal" competition which features as part of the Flower Show. Locals compete to create strange and wonderful creatures out of vegetables, which has in the past included an owl made from a pineapple, dinosaurs made from potatoes, and a figurine of  being slapped by a wet fish. Other attractions include sheep shearing, a scarecrow competition and jousting.

About 180,000 people attend the show and come from all sectors of the diverse inner-london community, making it one of the largest free community festivals in Europe.